5 Essential African Herb, Spices and Condiments

The secret to the robust flavor of African dishes is in the herbs, spices and condiments, which are used to enhance the natural taste of traditional African food, and also treat many ailments and diseases.  Here are five of the commonly used herbs, spices and condiments used in kitchens and homes across Africa:

Locust Beans

This is a pungent, fermented and salty condiment that is made from carob seeds. It is sold whole, dried or powdered. It is an essential ingredient in many traditional soups and stews and is excellent for creating a bold flavour. The ground / powdered version is one of the ingredients of suya spice


Sweet Basil Leaves

Also called scent leaves or beletientien leaf, Sweet Basil is a sweet smelling herb used mainly for its aroma and distinct flavor as well as for its many medicinal used. Sweet Basil is used for a variety of soups and stews and added to various types of traditional pottage.


African Black Pepper
This pepper is a member of the black peppercorn family. It has a hot taste, fragrant aroma and flavour. It is sold whole and used in many herbal decoctions as tinctures or infusions. It is also excelled for adding spice to soups and stews, and is an important component of Suya spice and pepper soup mix.

Ground Dried Crayfish

Powdered dried crayfish is an essential ingredient in many African meals that is used to create the distinct traditional taste and flavor in soups and stews. It is usually sold as whole dried crayfish or ground to a powder form to add a depth of flavor to savoury dishes.

Bay Leaves

Bay leaves are dark green and tough, with a peculiar pungent aroma.  They are usually sold as whole dried leaves and are useful for making soups, stocks and broths. Bay leaves are one of the secret ingredient used to achieve the distinct taste of ‘Party Jollof’ rice and fried rice.

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